Type Casting, Converting & Coercsion


JavaScript Notes

    // type casting and coercing in JavaScript
    // String(), +, Number(), +, -, Boolean(), !, !!
    // toString(), valueOf()
    // parseInt(), parseFloat()  //starts reading from the left; input doesn't have to be a full number
    // unary plus, logical NOT, addition operator, comparison operators
    let log = console.log;

    let n = '56';
    log(-n, +n); //casts n as a negative or positive number
                                  String,           Number,       Boolean
    let obj = { a: 1, b: 2 }; // '[object Object]'    NaN           true
    let emptyObj = {};        // '[object Object]'    NaN           true
    let arr = [1, 2, 3];      // '1,2,3'              NaN           true // [1] to Number would become 1
                                                                      // If there is only one number in the array then 
                                                                      // that becomes the numeric conversion.
    let emptyArr = [];        // ''                    0            true
    let str = 'hello';        // 'hello'              NaN           true
    let emptyStr = '';        // ''                   NaN           false   ('43'=>43, '0'=>0)
    let num = 1;              // '1'                   1            true
    let zero = 0;             // '0'                   0            false
    let T = true;             // 'true'                1            true
    let F = false;            // 'false'               0            false
    //  null                  // 'null'                0            false
    //  undefined             // 'undefined'          NaN           false
    //  NaN                   // 'NaN'                NaN           false
     * Plus vs Concatenation
     * exp1 + exp2
     * if either exp1 or exp2 is a string then treat the '+' as a concatenation
     *  coerce both values to Strings as needed
     * if neither exp1 or exp2 is a string then treat the '+' as an addition operation
     *  coerce both values to Numbers as needed
    log(str + F);    //converts both to strings
    log(F + num);    //neither are string, so converts to a number and adds them

    // Falsey values - false, 0, '', null, undefined, NaN
    // Truthy values - Everything else....

    // Boxing of Primitives - automatic boxing of primitives into objects
    // Boolean() != new Boolean(), String() != new String(), Number() != new Number()
    // Boolean() == !!  (! will flip truthiness too)
    // Number() == +  (- will flip sign too)
    // String() == .toString() unless null was set as the prototype of the Object
    log(Boolean(234), Boolean(0), new Boolean(0));
    log(true && Boolean(new Boolean(0)));
    // && compares the two operands and then actually returns
    // the second if the first is truthy
    // also the Boolean(object) is always true
    // Operator Precedence
    // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Operator_Precedence
    log(!arr < +T || !!arr > +emptyArr);
    // unary plus 17, logical NOT 17, less than 12, greater than 12, logical OR 6
    // (false < 1 || true > 0)
    // ( 0 < 1 || 1 > 0 )
    // ( true || )
    // true
    log(1 + - + + + - + 1); // returns 2