Understanding the Prototype Chain


JavaScript Notes

     * linking prototype objects to build a prototype chain
     * __proto__ vs Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) & Object.setPrototypeOf(obj)
    // 1.  obj --> otherProto.prototype  --> Object.prototype --> null
    let otherProto = function() {
      this.prop1 = 456; // this means the instance of the object we are creating
      this.inner = function() {
        console.log("inner method on instance");
      //automatically returns the instance of the object

    otherProto.prototype.someMethod = function() {
      console.log("this is otherProto");

    let obj = new otherProto();

    // console.log(obj.prop1); // 456
    // obj.inner();
    // obj.someMethod();
    // obj.toString();
    // obj.__proto__.inner(); // fail
    // Object.getPrototypeOf(obj).inner(); // fail
    // Object.getPrototypeOf(obj).someMethod(); //yes

    // 2.protoObj --> Object.prototype --> null
    let protoObj = {
      prop1: 456,
      someMethod: function() {
        console.log("this is someMethod");
    // this is equivalent to the below:
    // let protoObj = new Object();  protoObj.prop1 = 456; protoObj.someMethod = function(){}

    //Object.getPrototypeOf(protoObj).otherMethod = function(){}
    protoObj.__proto__.otherMethod = function() {
      console.log("this is otherMethod");
    // NOTE: protoObj.prototype.otherMethod = function (){} will not work
    // This is because protoObj is an instance of an object, not a object of type function

    //3.  childObj --->  protoObj  --->  Object.prototype  --> null
    let childObj = {};
    Object.setPrototypeOf(childObj, protoObj);
    // console.log(childObj.prop1);
    // childObj.someMethod();
    // childObj.otherMethod();
    // childObj.nonmethod();    // will return an error as it doesn't exist in the prototype chain

    // 4. childObj2 ---> protoObj  ---> Object.prototype  --> null
    let childObj2 = Object.create(protoObj);

    console.log(childObj2.prop1); //456  coming from protoObj
    childObj2.prop1 = 777; // created a new property inside childObj2 called prop1
    console.log(childObj2.prop1, childObj2.__proto__.prop1); // 777 and 456
    childObj2.someMethod(); //calls the one inside protoObj
    childObj2.someMethod = function() {
      console.log("new method inside childObj2");