Iterable vs Enumerable
JavaScript Notes
// for… of loops vs for… in loops
// loops, go through enumerable properties (keys)
// for...of loops, go through the iterator of the object (e.g. for Array or String objects) to get the values
// iterable vs enumerable;
let log = console.log;
let names = ['Gandalf', 'Bilbo', 'Aragorn', 'Gimli'];
names.elf = 'Legolas';
Object.defineProperty(names, 'ent',
{value: 'Treebeard',
enumerable: false});
let middleEarth = {
'towns': ['Hobbiton', 'Rivendell'],
'races': ['Elves', 'Hobbits', 'Men']
middleEarth.creator = 'J.R.R. Tolkien';
Object.defineProperty(middleEarth, 'age',
{value: '3rd',
enumerable: false});
// Only String and Array Objects are iterable!
for (let p in names){
log('in names', p); // will return indices of the array object, and name of the property ‘elf’, as the enumerable properties of the array object
log( );
for (let p of names){
log('of names', p); // will only return the values of the array, not the value of the property ‘elf’
log( );
for (let p in middleEarth){
log('in middleEarth', p); // will return 'towns', 'races', and 'creator' as the enumerable properties of the generic object
log( );
for (let p of middleEarth){
log('of middleEarth', p); // will return an error, as generic objects are not iterable!
log( );
for (let p of middleEarth.towns){
log('of middleEarth', p); // will return values of the array middleEarth.towns
log( );
for (let p of middleEarth.creator){
log('of middleEarth', p); // will return values, of the String object, ‘J.R.R. Tolkien’
log( );
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