Global Variables/Properties, globalThis


JavaScript Notes

HTML - in browser
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
          let lll = 'declared with let';
          var vvv = 'declared with var';
          (function test() {
            nnn = 'declared without either';
            // console.log(this);
            // console.log(window);
            // console.log(globalThis); //added in NodeJS 12.4
            console.log(lll, globalThis.lll);
            console.log(vvv, globalThis.vvv);
            console.log(nnn, globalThis.nnn);
JavaScript - in Node JS
    let lll = 'declared with let';
    var vvv = 'declared with var';
    (function test() {
      nnn = 'declared without either';
      // console.log(this);
      // console.log(global);
      // console.log(globalThis);
      console.log(lll, globalThis.lll);
      console.log(vvv, globalThis.vvv);
      console.log(nnn, globalThis.nnn);