Async/Await combined with Promises


JavaScript Notes

    Using async and await with Promises
    and error handling with Promises
    let log = console.log;
    dothings( );
    async function dothings( ){
    let p = await delay(1000);      // with await, you can't chain the function (i.e. Promise) with a .then 
                                    // this is because you get the result back, which could be undefined, rather than the Promise itself
                                    // you instead need to use an if/else statement
        if (p) {
            log('Response from Promise', p);
        } else {
            log('No result – the Promise must have rejected');

    function delay(ms){
        // fetch( ) is just a Promise too
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) =>{ 
        // reject( new Error('bad things happened'))
        // setTimeout(resolve, ms, 42);
        // setTimeout(reject, ms, newError('bad things happened'));
        }).catch(err => log('err', err.message))