Searching in Arrays


JavaScript Notes

    // Finding matches in Arrays
    // call method and get a single value
    // Array.includes(searchElement [, fromIndex]) returns Boolean
    // Array.indexOf(searchElement [, fromIndex]) returns -1 or index of first match
    // LOOP and return a single value – provides opportunity for more detailed match
    // Array.some( callBack [, thisArg]) returns very first true Boolean
    // Array.find( callBack [, thisArg]) returns very first value from Array or undefined
    let names = ['Walter', 'Jesse', 'Saul', 'Gus', 'Skylar', 'Marie', 'Todd', 'Badger', 'Pete'];
    let log = console.log;
    //1. Find out if ‘Todd’ or ‘Steve’ is in the Array 
    let bool = names.includes('Todd');
    log(bool);	// returns true!
    //2. Find out what positions in the Array are ‘Gus’ or ‘Tuco’ 
    let pos = names.indexOf('Gus');
    log(pos);	// returns 3!
    //3. Find out whether anyone in the list has a capital letter ‘M’ in their name
    let some = names.some( (name) = > {
        if(name.indexOf('M') > -1) { 
            return true; 
        return false;	// undefined will return without this list
    log(some);	// returns true!
    //4. Find the first name in the list that is more than 5 characters plus 
    let find = names.find( (name) => { 
        if(name.length > 5) {
            return name;
    log(find);	// returns Walter!