JavaScript Objects
JavaScript Notes
var dog = {"name":"Woody", "type":"dog"};
var cat = {"name":"Bob", "type":"cat"};
var petNames = ["Woody", "Bob"];
var pets = [dog, cat];
var pets = [{"name":"Woody", "type":"dog"}, cat]; // with object literal
pets.push({"name":"Roxy", "type":"dog"}); // add another object to top of the array
cat.age = 2; //adds the property 'age' to the object 'cat' and sets it to 2
dog["age"] = 14; //adds the property 'age' to the object 'dog' and sets it to 14
pets[0].age = 14; //add a new property to the first object of the 'pets' array, called 'age' and set it to 14
pets[2]["age"] = 4; //add a new property to the third object of the 'pets' array, called 'age' and set it to 4
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