Logical Operators AND and OR


JavaScript Notes

    // Binary & Logical Operators
    // AND &&
    // OR ||
    // creating compound if statements
    let ingredients = ['lettuce', 'cheddar', 'ham'];
    let sandwichHas = function(ingredient){ for(let i of ingredients) {
        if( i == ingredient) { 
            return true;
    return false;
    // if this line omitted it returns undefined
    // which is also a falsey value
    if (sandwichHas('ham') || sandwichHas('chicken') || sandwichHas('beef') ){
        console.log('Sandwich has meat')
    } else {
    console.log('No meat')
    if (sandwichHas('lettuce') && sandwichHas('tomato') ){ 
        console.log('It has both')
    } else {
        console.log('It has NOT both but maybe one of them')