Private Company

Learn how to start a private limited company in the U.K. Everything from how to register with the relevant authorities; when and what filings to submit; tax-effective ways of paying yourself; to how to prepare your own set of accounts. Working through your own company has never been simpler!

UK Private Limited Company

An introductory guide for everything you need to do to start a UK Private Limited Company.

Companies House

Reporting Obligations

Business Bank Account



Dividend Templates


Contact Details, Summary of Tax Forms

Management Accounts

A fully workable (and updatable) template for maintaining a set of UK Private Limited Company, Management Accounts.


Tax reporting sheets

Accruals & Deferrals

Accrual Accounting

Working Papers & Validation

Pulling it all together: T-Accounts

Statutory Statements

Abridged Statutory Accounts

Management Accounts

Management Account Template

Private Company Guides

Introductory guides on how to start a UK limited company, and maintain its business accounts

Online Resources

Connect with other UK-based Business Users, Institutions, and Government Bodies