

Running a company requires that you keep an active book of records, so you can keep track of its affairs. In practice, this usually means maintaining a set of what are called ‘Management Accounts’ – for recording the company’s financial transactions, and to help track its financial performance and position.

Such financial records can be maintained in well-known proprietary accounting software, such as: XERO, QuickBooks, and SAGE. However if you prefer the fluidity and flexibility of something like M.S. Excel, then that is also possible.

Maintaining records in M.S. Excel based Templates, rather than in Accounting softwares, has certain advantages.

Namely, the ability:

  • To customise various output pages, for any Accounting rule changes (which they often do);
  • To integrate the financial data with a wide eco-system of other softwares and E.R.P.s, with the potential to connect the data to M.L., and A.I. tools.
  • To connect the data more easily to remote locations, such as data servers hosted and maintained by Cloud Service providers (like M.S. Azure, and Amazon A.W.S.)

If your data is in an M.S. Excel spreadsheet, it can be possible to do a lot more with it, compared to off-the-shelf accounting packages - that may have poor external connection capabilities, and limited data export features.

The goal of this guide, therefore, is to show how it is possible to create a fully workable set of Management Accounts, all inside M.S. Excel.

In this guide, we will cover the main components of this Template, including ‘Tabs’ that show: the Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow situation, and also how one could handle Tax, and the various aspects Accrual-based accounting, such as: Accrued Expenses, Prepayments, Accrued Revenue, and Deferred Income.

Management Account Template

A link to the example management accounts illustrated throughout this guide can be found here:

Management Accounts


We have summarised the main purpose and function of each tab in the workbook below:

Name of tab Purpose & Function
Index Menu page that allows you to directly navitage to the other tabs
Validation Page for keeping all data validation lists, e.g. used in drop down menus, elsewhere in the workbook
Accruals Page that calculates the accrued amount of transactions, based on their start and end date
Deferrals Page that calculates the deferred amount of transactions, based on their start and end date
Combined Page that combines the data in the ‘Accruals’ and ‘Deferrals’ tabs
Mnth 1: Mnth 12 Tabs for recording (almost) all daily and monthly transactions
Trans. Line Analysis Page that summarises all transactional data across the tabs: Mnth1 to Mnth 12
Statutory Statements Page that shows a set of abridged statutory accounts. Data is pulled from across the workbook
Balance Sheet Page that shows the financial position of the company
Profit & Loss Report Page that shows the financial performance of the company
Cash Flow Reporting Page for showing the main operating, investment, and financing cashflows
Corporation Tax Page for carrying out simple Corporation Tax calculations
Trial Balance Page for checking that all Debit and Credit accounts match off and net to nil
Payroll Page for calculating all Payroll payments, and PAYE & NICs obligations
Bank Cash Page that shows the monthly opening and closing cash balances
Customer & Supplier Balances Page that shows all Debtor and Creditor balances
Aged Receivables Page that shows the movement in all Receivables
Aged Payables Page that shows the movement in all Payables
Stock Register Page for recording the position and movement of any Inventory
VAT Returns Page for helping file any Quarterly V.A.T. returns
Fixed Asset Schedule Page for showing the position and movement, e.g. depreciation, of any Fixed Assets
Other Transactions Page for recording any miscellaneous journals, not recorded in the tabs: Mnth1 to Mnth 12
Working Papers Page for recording and tracking the movement in all the major T-accounts

The rest of this guide goes through each Tab in further detail.

Click ahead to find out more.