Custom VBA Functions

Here we show how VBA can be used to run custom functions – instead of using Excel formulae.


Custom Function - Example 1
Custom Function - Example 2

VBA Module Code – Separate Text


Function separate_text(a As String) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim s As String

For i = 1 To Len(a)
s = Mid(a, i, 1)

If IsNumeric(s) = False Then
separate_text = separate_text & s

End If
Next i

End Function

VBA Module Code – Bonus


Function bonus(item, price)

If item >= 20 Then
bonus = item * price * 0.3
End If

If item < 20 And item > 10 Then
bonus = item * price * 0.2
End If

If item >= 1 And item < 11 Then
bonus = item * price * 0.1
End If

End Function


The full file can be downloaded here:

VBA - Custom Functions (xlsm)