Array Transformation functions



» Reference, Discussion, & Example Applications:


XLOOKUP for 2D arrays, carries XLOOKUP arguments except the binary ones of search mode.

Calls AFLAT.


  • lv : array, lookup value
  • la : array, lookup array
  • ra : array, return array
  • nf : string, not found value
  • m : integer, match mode: 0 or ignored, exact match; -1, exact match or next smaller item; 1, exact match or next larger item; 2, wild character match
  • s : integer, search mode: 0, ignored or 1, search first to last; -1, search last to first


M.S. Excel
AXLOOKUP = LAMBDA(lv, la, ra, nf, m, s,
        x, AND(OR(m = {0, -1, 1, 2}), OR(s = {0, 1, -1})),
        sm, IF(s = 0, 1, s),
        fla, AFLAT(la, 1),
        fra, AFLAT(ra, 1),
        IF(x, XLOOKUP(lv, fla, fra, nf, m, sm), "check values")