Fixed Assets & Depreciation
We need to determine a model for fixed assets of Caterpillar. This involves two decisions:
- Are fixed assets best modelled by assuming the critical model ratio is ‘Net FA / Sales’ or ‘Gross FA / Sales’? We have a slight predilection toward the former, as if depreciation has any economic meaning, then producing more sales should require more net fixed assets
- What is the applicable average depreciation rate?
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Which Ratio?
Dealing with the first question:
There appears to be a slightly better connection between the Net PPE and Sales than the Gross PPE, and this is accordingly the value used in the model.
The average “NET FA / Sales” ratio over the 5 years is: 27.65% (see above for workings)
Dealing with the second question:
The Caterpillar annual report gives the approximate useful lives of the different fixed asset classes.
We can use a SUMPRODUCT to compute the weighted average depreciation rate for CAT.
Averaging these rates, we get to an average depreciation rate of 13.26% (see above for workings)
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