

Here we see all the Parameters used in the Business model, with similar parameters logically grouped together. The groupings have been explained further below.


There are several groups of parameters - described below:

Marketing Parameters

These outline all marketing related parameters, needed to drive business growth. These include those relating to:

  • Direct Simple Mailshot Campaigns
  • Direct Advanced Mailshot Campaigns
  • Tradeshows
  • Direct Sales Teams

The parameters here include estimated conversion rates, for each type of product being sold

Pricing Parameters

This is where the joining and on-going fees for each product can be set.

Cost Parameters

Here is where assumptions for the following cost items can be set:

  • Support Staff
  • Development Staff
  • Office Rental
  • Recruitment
  • Legal/Accounting
  • Electricity/Gas/Water
  • Equipment Rental
  • Other Office Maintenance
  • Other Supplies & Subscriptions
  • Telephone

Market Parameters

This is where the retention rate - the rate at which customers leave each month - can be set.

Business Start Date

The Start Year and Month can be set as parameters to the model in this section.

Accounting & Tax Parameters

Here is where rates can be set for:

  • Bad Debt (on Receivables)
  • Corporation Tax
  • VAT

Financing assumptions

Lastly, this is where the initial equity investment amounts can be set.